What is the aim of this course?

The aim of this course is to improve your reception, consulting and infection control skills. The topics cover an array of subjects to help you build up your confidence in communication, educating clients and best practices in infection control.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Discuss the need for good client care and how to organise a diary considering the needs of the clinical team

  • Show confidence in consulting including admits and discharges, weight control and preventative healthcare

  • Differentiate the microorganisms that cause disease in the veterinary environment and how to limit the spread of disease through infection control

Who is the course for?

This course is for those who are employed in the role of Patient Care Assistant (PCA), or one of the equivalent positions (e.g. VCA, ANA, ACA).

Course structure

This is a 100% online course and can be completed in your own time at your own pace.