What is the aim of this course?

The aim of this course is to provide the learner with the skills to:

  • Perform an initial assessment, manage and stabilise dyspnoeic cases when they first present at the practice
  • Create a differential diagnoses list
  • Recognise different respiratory patterns and use this information to narrow the differentials
  • Use diagnostic imaging to help diagnose the cause of dyspnoea
Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this workout, you should be able to manage and stabilise dyspnoeic cases when they present in practice and know how to perform a clinical assessment and work up to help diagnose the cause.

Who is the course for?

This course is for any vets working in practice and vet students who want to improve and update their knowledge and understanding of how to approach dyspnoeic dogs and cats when they present in practice.

Course structure

This workout is designed to be completed within one hour and consists of:

  • warm-up to switch on your brain by testing your current knowledge
  • main session of learning to bring you up to date with the topic under discussion
  • A warm-down assessment to test and reinforce what you have learnt